Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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For Email Marketing you can trust

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Home Cleaner Express is Coming to a City Near You!

I wanted you to be aware of an upcoming series of events that is unprecedented in the residential cleaning industry. Between this January and the month of May, Perry Phillips and his Home Cleaner Magazine are conducting a 30-city road show with the Home Cleaner Express (pictured above).

The Home Cleaner Express is an ambitious undertaking by Perry Phillips, the publisher of Home Cleaner magazine. During the first five months of 2011, owners of home cleaning businesses will have the opportunity to attend an all-day event in one of 30 cities which Home Cleaner Express is scheduled to visit. The day will consist of seminars and workshops designed to teach and inspire attendees to build on their success in the residential cleaning industry.

As the publisher of Home Cleaner magazine and the founder and past director of the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International (ARCSI), over the past eight years Perry has been in the unique position of knowing, working with and learning from hundreds of seasoned entrepreneurs in the house cleaning industry. It is this experience which qualifies Perry Phillips to organize and conduct this first-ever cross country event coming to a city near you. It also provides an opportunity for attendees to meet and share ideas with other service owners in their "neck of the woods."

2011 mark my 20th year in the residential cleaning industry and the eighth year of helping business owners excel in 56 countries around the world with my House Cleaning Biz 101 course on CD-ROM. In fact, Perry was one of my very first customers in the spring of 2003. At that time he was launching ARCSI, a cause I championed by getting the word out to all of my clients. The industry has come of age since I got involved in the business way back in 1991. ARCSI and Home Cleaner magazine have been instrumental in raising the level of professionalism among home cleaning businesses across the nation.

As a strong supporter of helping to enhance the professional image of the cleaning industry, I heartily endorse the purpose and intent of the Home Cleaner Express. In fact, I am proud to say that www.housecleaningbiz101.com is a proud sponsor of the entire 30-city tour. Don't miss out on this very unique opportunity to learn what Perry has learned from the most successful people in the residential cleaning industry.

Proud Sponsor of the Home Cleaning Express
Business Building Tour.